Softcover Books in the JHCNS Collection

Short Stories of a Long Journey: An Oral History of Russian Jewish Resettlement North of Boston, Kazis, Kaplan and Bakal, 2002

A Guide to Yivo’s Landsmanschaften Archive, Schwartz, Rosealine, Milamed, Susan, Yivo Institute for Jewish Research, NY, 1986

Connecticut Jewish History, Vol.1 No.1, Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford, 1990

Haggadah for the American Family, Berkowitz, Martin, H. Levitt Publishing Co., 1958

Haggadah, Maxwell House (2 Copies)

Journal Subscription Catalogs, Johns Hopkins University Press

Founder’s Day Adresses, Hebrew Union College

Jewish Currents, Feb. 1981; 1987

Jewish Art and Culture in Early America, Dressler, Ellen, Gingold, Diane, Piccolo Spoleto, 1981

Images of America, Foley, Joanne S., Lynn, MA

Guide to Jewish Boston and New England, Feldman, Stanley, Genesis 2 (2 copies)

Land of Our Heritage, Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem

Oral History — From Tape to Type, Davis, Cullum, Back, Kathryn, MacLean, Kay, American Library Assoc., 1977


Oral History for the Local Historical Society, Baum, Willa, Conference of CA Historical Society

Life and Times in Shoe City; The Shoe worker of Lynn, Essex Institute, Salem, MA, 1979

Mindstream, World Zionist Org., Am. Section, January 1979

Haym Solomon; A Gentleman of Precision and Integrity, Amer. Jewish Hist. Society, 1976

The Old Country, The Lost World of Eastern European Jews, Shulman, Abraham

Group Life in America — A Task Force Report, American Jewish Institute of Human Relations, New York

The Bulletin: 85th Anniversary, B’nai Abraham and Yehuda Laib Family Society

Salute to Healthy Living — A Program Guide, JCC, 1998

Twenty Centuries of Jewish Life in the Holy Land-The Forgotten Generation, Bakat, Dan

Solidarity and Kinship — Essays on American Zionism, Amer. Jewish Historical Society, 1980

Jewish Genealogical Family Finder, Jewish Genealogical Society, 1994

Shtetl Finder Gazeteer, Cohen, Chester G., Los Angeles, 1980


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